Together Now mission projects begin as fundraising enters final phase

As the fundraising effort of the diocese's $20-million Together Now campaign enters its final Campaign Update March 2013 phase--with $19,088,142 raised as of Feb. 25 and $1,086,150 anticipated from parish collaborative campaigns still in progress--the implementation of the campaign's initiatives is beginning to take off. 

"Like the fundraising aspects of the campaign, much of this implementation is being driven by the faithfulness, skill, expertise and experience of countless volunteers and donors who have been inspired to offer themselves and to join in this work," the Rev. Sam Rodman, Project Manager for Campaign Initiatives, said in the March Campaign Update, where he gives a progress report on the grant programs and mission projects already underway. 

The newsletter also shares fundraising success stories from Grace Church in Everett and St. John's Church in Gloucester, and it reviews the series of Regional Learning Days that have been helping congregations access and use new leadership, mission and grant resources made possible by the campaign. 

"We've said since the beginning that this campaign is about all of us, answering God's urgent call and answering it together, not for our own sake but for the sake of the world.  It's time now to go deeper with this good work that God has given us to do.  Please continue in your prayers, your generous giving and your active participation in our diocese community's efforts to build, grow and serve in Christ's name," Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE said in the newsletter. 
Read the March Campaign Update here.