
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News

Bishop Alan M. Gates issued the following message to the diocesan community on June 17, 2022:

Diocesan News
The bishops of the Episcopal dioceses of Massachusetts and Western Massachusetts have issued the following commendation urging legislative action in support of DACA dreamers. "Continued legislative activity will determine the future of those in our…
Diocesan News
Courtesy photo A sign welcomes neighbors to the yard of Emmanuel House in Allston, one of soon-to-be four CRECHE co-living houses. CRECHE--the Charles River Episcopal Co-Housing Endeavor--is adding a fourth house to its stable of…
Diocesan News

Bliss Austin Spooner, who served as director of development for four years, departed from the diocesan staff on June 14, having accepted a position with Hearth, Inc., a Boston nonprofit organization dedicated to ending elderly and older adult homelessness through the creation and management of affordable supportive housing.

Diocesan News
Julianne Ture Choir members from the Church of the Holy Spirit, Mattapan and St. Cyprian's Church Roxbury lead the singing of "Soon and Very Soon." Hymn singing and reminiscences marked the late afternoon memorial service for the Rt…
Diocesan News
Courtesy photo The Rev. Jeffrey Mello The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, offered the following response to the election on May 21 of the Rev. Jeffrey Mello, the rector of St. Paul's Church…
Diocesan News
Bishop Alan M. Gates and Bishop Gayle E. Harris issued the following statement on May 17, 2022, regarding the May 14 shootings in Buffalo, N.Y. “Christ has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.” ~ Ephesians 2:14 Last Sunday’s reading from Acts explored ways in which…
Diocesan News
Courtesy photo The Rev. Spencer Hatcher, the new executive director of the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center in Greenfield, N.H., arrived on the job in February after four years working at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, Calif.  She is…
In the News
Chelsea Millsap is the first woman named sexton in Old North Church's nearly 300-year history.
In the News
Amid a massive workforce housing crisis that threatens the survival of local businesses, the members of the vestry of St. Mary of the Harbor, the Episcopal church at 517 Commercial Street, Provincetown, are working out final details with restaurant owners Joachim Sandbichler and Mark Ferrari to…