
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
Whether and how financial divestment can be a tool for effecting social justice promises to be a significant topic of discussion at the upcoming 229th annual convention of the Diocese of Massachusetts, to be held on Nov. 8 at St. Stephen’s Memorial Church in Lynn.Convention will also vote on the…
Diocesan News
Bishop Alan M. Gates sent the following message on the evening of Oct. 9 to the diocesan community:Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,I invite you to join me in lifting prayers for Bishop Tom Shaw as he nears the end of his earthly pilgrimage.Bishop Tom's presence with us at the Consecration on…
Diocesan News
The first diocesan green loan was awarded to St. John’s Church in Charlestown this summer, and the parish is now close to completing a major renovation that will make the church buildings more energy efficient.The loan of $100,000 is being used to finance the installation of a new heating system,…
Diocesan News
As Question 3 to repeal the state's casino gambling law comes before Massachusetts voters in November, Bishop Alan M. Gates of the Diocese of Massachusetts voiced his opposition to expanded casino gambling at an Oct. 9 press conference at Old South Church in Boston, and he commends to those who may…
Bright Ideas
Creation Care Season got an early start at Christ Church in Waltham in its partnership with the Meadowscaping for Biodiversity summer program. Cone flowers in the meadow. Students learned about native…
I read an article yesterday in the Boston Globe that really got me thinking.  It was about social media and self-esteem.  The article reported that a 2013 study by the University of Michigan asked participants five times a day to rate their feelings about themselves, and to report how…
In the News
The Episcopal Chaplaincy at BU has made a portable labyrinth, which can be easily taken to a variety of locations and shared with the community. The labyrinth is designed to be easily portable and usable both indoors and outdoors, and was first launched in late September on BU's busy Marsh Plaza…
In the News
With newly repaired church bells ringing a 10-bell chime above, and jackhammers blasting below, officials at Grace Episcopal Church in New Bedford talked about the restoration work they have undertaken following serious flood damage to the lower level of the adjoining building, Grace House.
Dear Friends of God's Creation, Our diocese's fifth annual Creation Care Season (from St. Francis Day, Oct. 4 through the rest of the Pentecost season until I Advent on Nov. 30) comes on the heels of the Sept. 21 global climate demonstration in New York, at which more than 300,000 people,…
Parish News
St. Anne’s-in-the-Fields Church in Lincoln has announced a new series of worship services that will explore innovative ways of worshiping together.  "Come and Grow: St. Anne’s @ 5" will be offered one Sunday a month in the late afternoon through May. The services will be followed by food and…