
Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
Keitha Hassell "Keep the fire burning!": The third annual Pan-African Conference was an occasion to share in liturgy and song, fellowship, culture and food from around the diaspora. St. Thomas's Church in Taunton hosted the third…
In the News
Leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts on June 1 ordained five women as deacons, welcoming them into ministry as the church prepares next month to mark the 50th anniversary of the first ordination of women as priests.
Diocesan News
Stemming from the March 30, 2024, Easter Vigil incident at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston, a disciplinary complaint filed against Bishop Alan M. Gates under The Episcopal Church’s Title IV canons has been reviewed by a reference panel.  On May 28 the reference panel determined that…
In the News
St. Anne’s Episcopal Church members began a yearlong celebration of the church’s 200th anniversary on May 19 led by diocesan Bishop Alan Gates and joined by parishioners and clergy from area Episcopal churches, including St. John’s Church in Lowell, St. Anne’s Church in Billerica and All Saints…
In the News
For the first time in its 240-year history, a woman will be the top bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. The Rev. Julia E. Whitworth, an Indianapolis priest, was elected Saturday by clergy members and lay delegates during a special convention at Boston's Trinity Church.
Diocesan News

The people of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts have elected an Indianapolis priest to be their next bishop.

At the special electing convention held on Saturday, May 18, clergy and lay delegates elected the Rev. Julia E. Whitworth to succeed the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates as the 17th bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts. The electing convention took place at Trinity Church in Boston. 

Diocesan News
The Diocese of Massachusetts will elect a new bishop diocesan on Saturday, May 18, 2024.  Ballot results from the electing convention will be posted on this page as they are announced, with the most recent results at the top.   You may need to refresh this page periodically to view newly…
In the News
The Rev. Julia E. Whitworth, an Indianapolis priest, was elected the next bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts on Saturday, becoming the first woman elected to the role.
Following is the text of the sermon preached by the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates at the Electing Convention on May 18, 2024, at Trinity Church in Boston. Vicki Ix Bishop Gates gives the…
Diocesan News

Clergy and lay delegates from the congregations of the diocese will gather on Saturday, May 18 at Trinity Church in Boston for the special convention to elect a diocesan bishop to succeed the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates as the diocese’s 17th bishop when Gates retires later this year.