Diocesan News

Diocesan News
Kelsey Rice Bogdan is the executive director of Life Together, a leadership development and faith formation fellowship program for young adults. This will be Rice Bogdan's first program year as executive director. She sat down for a Q&A to share some of the opportunities presented by the 2016-2017…
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Boston Chinese Ministry was founded in 1981 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Sunday school children from EBCM perform the story of the Passion, Easter Day, 1993. A joint Christmas pageant…
Diocesan News
With the approaching culmination this fall of an election year that many have found to be especially vitriolic and divisive nationally, the bishops of the two Episcopal dioceses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are planning to come together as neighbors on Saturday, Oct. 22 to walk a route that…
Diocesan News
Those planning to run for election to a diocesan position or submitting a resolution to Diocesan Convention have until Sept. 9 to do so.All nominations, resolutions, proposed constitutional and canonical amendments and committee reports are due in the diocesan Office of Convention and Council by…
Diocesan News
Although St. Stephen’s Youth Programs (SSYP) began at St. Stephen’s Church in the South End of Boston 17 years ago, its programs, including B-SAFE and B-PEACE, have rarely stayed within the four walls of a church.From lively celebrations in local parks, to field trips to sites across the city and…
Diocesan News
The diocesan mission strategy drafting team has released its draft and now invites the diocesan community’s response—in person, online or by phone—between Aug. 9 and Aug. 22.  The draft mission strategy is posted at www.diomass.org/new-mission-strategy. …
Diocesan News
The Episcopal bishops in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have issued a joint statement of support for Attorney General Maura Healey.  In her op-ed published in the Boston Globe, Healey expresses the importance of state law in the effort to end the bloodshed:  “In the face of utter…
Diocesan News
Following is a letter issued July 27 to the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts from Bishop Alan M. Gates regarding the diocese's new mission strategy, a draft of which will be available in early August for review.  The diocesan community is invited to respond to the draft at…
Diocesan News
Following is a letter issued July 12 to the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts from Bishop Alan M. Gates regarding the violent tragedies of the last week.Dear people of the Diocese of Massachusetts,Last weekend I made a two-day silent retreat at the Trappist Abbey in Western…
Diocesan News
The bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates and the Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, issued the following statement in response to the transgender rights bill enacted by the Massachusetts State Legislature on July 7:We rejoice at today's news that our Massachusetts…