
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

In the News
Yar Ayuel is happily married, has three children, a college degree, and a good job. It’s a life she could not have imagined when, about 20 years ago, she and her little brother walked for weeks across deserts and through wilderness, trying to elude northern Sudanese militia and wild animals, with…
Diocesan News
The people and congregations of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts are marking April 27 as "Gratitude Sunday," part of a "Season of Service and Celebration" honoring Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE as he prepares to retire.  A letter of gratitude to the people of the diocese from Bishop Shaw…
Is it easier to believe Good Friday or Easter?  Is it easier to believe in Good Friday and the betrayal, abandonment, suffering and death of Jesus on the cross or Easter and the resurrection of our Lord?For the first followers of Jesus, it’s clear that believing in Good Friday was a lot easier…
In the News
Seven Episcopal communities from the Merrimack Valley joined together to celebrate the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 18.  The parishes are part of the Lower Merrimack Valley Collaborative and include St. Andrew’s Methuen, St. Paul’s North Andover, St. James Groveland, Trinity Haverhill, St…
The tomb is empty, and nobody knows where the body is.  Mary Magdalene tells the others about the mysterious disappearance, but they give up and go home.  Mary stays behind, weeping, and then fails to recognize the risen one before her.  As the days pass, each resurrected encounter…
La tumba está vacía, y nadie sabe dónde está el cuerpo. María Magdalena les dice a los demás acerca de la misteriosa desaparición, pero se dan por vencidos y vuelven a casa. María se queda atrás, llorando, y luego no reconoce el resucitado ante ella. Al pasar los días, cada encuentro del resucitado…
In the News
For more than 30 years, Medford’s St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church and Grace Episcopal Church have joined together to bless palms on Palm Sunday. The Rev. Noah H. Evans, rector of Grace Episcopal Church, and the Rev. Chip Hines, pastor of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Parish, presided jointly in…
In the News
 Massachusetts faith leaders are urging legislative negotiators to raise the $8 an hour minimum wage and index it to inflation.Clergy members visited the State House Thursday to meet with legislative staff, carrying a message to Senate President Therese Murray to remain firm in support of…
As Episcopalians in the Diocese of Massachusetts, we gave thanks last weekend as we elected a new bishop to lead us – the Rev. Alan Gates of St. Paul’s Church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.  We will eagerly await his arrival as we look forward to his consecration on Sept. 13. We may have great…
Diocesan News
More and more churches in the diocese are discovering that solar energy can be a cost-effective part of their stewardship of parish resources and of the environment.   Tom Gaitley …