
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Magi are star readers, folks believed to have special powers to manipulate the fate that the stars foretell, and were highly valued in ancient times as prophets and advisors to rulers and counsels. Of course, the so-called birth narratives of Matthew and Luke are add-ons to the basic Gospel…
Diocesan News
Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE ordained five new priests on Saturday, Jan. 4 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston. Bob Greiner Pictured with Shaw, they are: [top, from left] the Rev. Sarah Kelb (serving…
Diocesan News
In May 2013 the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts' Cathedral Church of St. Paul in downtown Boston installed a new sculpture in its long-empty pediment. This newly produced video tells the story. "We have done something bold and extraordinary with the front of our cathedral church," Bishop M…
Diocesan News
12/20/2013:  Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE sent the following update to clergy and parish and diocesan leadership today. My Sisters and Brothers,As most of you know, two weeks ago today I had brain surgery and, again, I want to thank all of you for your prayers, your notes, e-mails, letters…
In the News
Hunger finds its way into even the wealthiest of communities — just ask Rev. Mark McKone-Sweet of St. Dunstan’s Church in Dover. He’s helped those who come into his office trying to find enough to eat — even those who call Dover and Sherborn home.
In the News
At a candlelit vigil held Saturday night at Peg Noonan Park on Main Street, nearly 30 people gathered quietly to remember the victims of gun violence that has happened in the past year. "It's an opportunity to bear witness to Newtown. But beyond that, it's the other people who've died by gun…
In the News
More than 200 people from St. Peter's [in South Dartmouth] and St. Martin's in New Bedford gathered at the church for the first Breakfast With Santa organized by Pastor Scott Ciosek. "We just wanted to do something to bring families together. I think it's one of the things the world needs more of,…
I grew up in a family that bought the Christmas tree, brought out the Christmas decorations, and whipped the house into holiday splendor on Christmas Eve. Our trees often looked like Charlie Brown trees because the good ones had already found homes by the time we shopped; sometimes we even got the…
Diocesan News
12/16/2013:  The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts today sent the following update to clergy, wardens, Diocesan Convention deputies and leadership of the diocese.“The Night Is Far Gone; The Day Is Near.Let Us Then Lay Aside The Works Of DarknessAnd Put On The Armor…
In the News
The Vineyard Gazette features the Rev. Robert Hensley, Rector of Grace Church in Vineyard Haven, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.  To seekers, he says it "doesn’t matter where you’re coming from or where you’re going or how many times you’ve been…