Green Loans

The Diocesan Council in May 2024 voted to rename the Green Loan Fund as the Bud Cederholm Green Loan Fund, in honor of the late Rt. Rev. Roy F. (Bud) Cederholm Jr., a bishop suffragan of the diocese from 2001 to 2011 and tireless advocate for environmental stewardship and creation care justice:

The Bud Cederholm Green Loan Fund provides low-interest loans of up to $150,000 that will enable congregations to make energy-efficient changes to their buildings. In a majority of cases, the cost savings from a Green Loan-qualifying program will be greater than the debt service payments on the loan, making this a budget-neutral option.  The program encourages congregations to put any additional savings toward other environmental stewardship projects.

In order for a project to qualify for a Green Loan, congregations will need to submit an energy audit; three years of utility use and cost spreadsheets; an outside organization’s assessment of the estimated financial and energy savings generated by the improvement; and confirming information on projected energy company rebates. More information on all these requirements is available within the addendum application.

Find application information in the documents attached at the bottom of this page.  Questions may be directed to Nathaniel Fasman at